About us

JjustGames – Games, Comics and more

JjustGames was created in 2018

and is made of out of a small team of people trying to work together to create something fun and enjoyable.

JjustGames has worked on webcomics and on indie games.

The first game published on Steam was “The Lustful Champion”.

JjustGreg – YouTube and comedy

JjustGreg was a YouTube channel that started out in 2012.

Gregory has worked together with other content creators and has worked with other indie dev studios.

While the channel is currently inactive, it was the first building block that led to the creation of the JjustGames brand. It is important to honor where everything started.

Wetcat Games – Adult oriented content

Wetcat Games was created in 2019 with as purpose to create adult oriented content in the form of novels and video games.

The first game to be created and published on steam was “The Lustful Champion”.

© 2022 JjustGames – All rights reserved


Future projects

The Lustful Champion

The Lustful Champion follows the story of Jerry who unexpectedly manages to get himself transported into a different realm.

This realm is under attack by the evil Cabal whose goal is to rid the realm of sexual pleasure.

Can you help to save the realm from utter destruction and a sexless existence?

Created by: Wetcat Games, JjustGames

Published by: JjustGames

Status: Finished

The Observers

The Observers follow Alta, Nika, and Zana. They are known as “The Observers”, they come from a race that can travel through dimensions and universes and try to learn from the worlds and their inhabitants they encounter. Always observe, never interfere.

Created by: JjustGames

Published by: JjustGames

Status: Cancelled

There are always projects that are being worked on, but as of right now, there are no new projects that have been announced yet.

© 2022 JjustGames – All rights reserved

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